What is your name and what do you do?
My name is Nchedo Chinwuba and I work as a full-time Strategy and Planning consultant for a Tech company in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
When are you most inspired ?
This is a tough one because I draw inspiration mostly through my peers. However, I would say I get inspired when I’m alone without any external noise.
How do you relax and unwind after a long day?
Sometimes I go for a short walk (if the weather allows) but most times, I catch up on my favorite Youtube vlogs till I fall asleep.
What does self care mean to you?
Self-care to me, means identifying your triggers, knowing when to pause and say no. Its just the ability for me to only do things that spark joy irrespective of anything. This could range from sleeping, deep cleaning my apartment, cooking a nice meal, taking a walk or just doing nothing.
What is your favorite time of day?
Definitely the early hours of the morning.
Honestly, I’m not big on affirmations but I’ve made a commitment to myself to work harder, go on a proper vacation, and finish a book I started reading
Nchedo Chinwuba
What is your affirmation for the month?
Honestly, I’m not big on affirmations but I’ve made a commitment to myself to work harder, go on a proper vacation, and finish a book I started reading
Tell us what book or books you are currently reading.
I’m currently reading Finding Me by Viola Davis
Whats your favorite thing about 1964 ?
I love that the brand expresses simplicity and quality. Kudos to the team!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Gosh! I’ve received so many and can’t pick one but one of my mentors once said to me
“...always be yourself. It doesn’t do both you and the world good to pretend about yourself”
“Never let your short term objectives keep you from doing what is best for your future”
I’m practicing and still learning this ~ being my authentic self in any situation in the presence of anyone. One of my greatest fears is at the end of it all, realizing I lived a lie. It's also very exhausting to keep up with another person’s life lol, please don’t do it.

Share a self-care tip with the ’64 community
My favorite thing to do is to constantly review my triggers and re-establish boundaries. If you’re an act of service person, its always easy to always go out of your way to make people happy (genuinely) but at intervals, you need to take a step back and reassess if you’re being watered too and this doesn’t have to be from the same people you deposit into but you just need to re-fill because you cannot give from a place of lack and empty.
Take time to do something for yourself every week. Be kind to your spirit, you deserve it!
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